dilluns, 21 de desembre del 2009

divendres, 4 de desembre del 2009

My favourite film.

My favourite film is Titanic.
It is a romantic film, and the ending is tragic.
The film it's about two lovers. Rose is a rich woman and Jack is a poor man. They met in a ship called Titanic.
Another man wanted to marry with Rose but she didn't want. Titanic crashed into an iceberg. A lot of people died but Rose survive. In this moment she is die but a few years ago she was alive.

I like this film because it's a romantic and passion film, it's a very well known too.
I love romantic films! And this film is the most romantic film I never seen.

dijous, 3 de desembre del 2009


My Experiences

Positive experiences

I have been in Dublín.

I have been in Andorra and I have played volleyball and we have won.

I have learnt woonwalk.

Negative experiences

I have lost three movil phones.

About friends

Marta has teachered me to dance woonwalk.
Luciano has seen AC/DC.
Feifan has lost his PSP.

dimarts, 1 de desembre del 2009

The wall that I have chosen...

I chose the wall, the wall is called "El muro de las lamentaciones" is the holiest site in Judaism. According to popular opinion, is the last remnant of the Temple in Jerusalem, Judaism's holiest building. The remaining remnants dating from the time of Herod the Great, who ordered the construction of large retaining walls around Mount Moriah, in the year 37 BC expanding the small plain on which were built the First and Second Temple in Jerusalem and formed what is now known as the Temple Mount.
Commonly face he laments the destruction of the city and the dispersion of the Jewish people, where on Friday a day of special intensity. The tradition of introducing a small paper with a prayer between the cracks of the wall is several centuries old. Among the prayers of Jews include the fervent prayers to God to return to the land of Israel, the return of all Jewish exiles, rebuilding the temple (the third), and the arrival of the messianic was with the coming of Jewish messiah.