divendres, 21 de maig del 2010

We are golden!

The playback is the best option that we could choose.
It was entertained, funny ... overcoat was agreeable to share these moments to see as the time it was going away and each one will choose a different way to be able to define his life.
Funny, happiness, desire of doing the playback again and again, sadness for seeing that everything is ended...

I did seven songs in the playback:

La trinca - "La patata"

Mecano - "Maquillate"

Spice girls - "If you wanna be my lover"

Pussycat dolls - "When I grow up"

Formula V - "Eva maría se fue"

(The final songs):
Ketama - "No estamos locos"

Mika - "We are golden"

Now we consider ourselves to be the generation, WE ARE GOLDEN!:)

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