dilluns, 1 de març del 2010

My perfect carnival!

Soon it will be carnival.
My group and I will dress as little red riding hood and hunters.
We will go to Roses, St. Pere, Castelló d'empúries and Fortià, of February.
We haven't got a float but it doesn't matter. In my group there are about forty people, boys and girls.
Everyday after the street parade there is party. We haven't got a fload but we will go to the party! The street parade starts at 10 o'clock and last about two hours and the party lasts intil four or five o'clock in the morning but some people stay until later.
Normally the biggest carnival is in Roses but in Castelló d'Empúries there are also a lot of people, adults and children.
I like carnival very much, and I have always dressed since I was a little girl.
My first dress was a sac of coffee and my mum was a black native. Now my mum doesn't dress for carnival.
She hasn't dreassed for two years.
I hope that this year will be a fantastic carnival.

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